Air Pollution

Hyperion Treatment Plant (HTP)
H2S Removal Technologies Test Program (CIP 2503) Read


Class A Biosolids Hyperion Treatment Plant (Phase I) 04-2002 Read

Class A Biosolids Hyperion Treatment Plant (Phase II) 06-2002 Read

Class A Biosolids Hyperion Treatment Plant (Phase III) 12-2002 Read

Class A Biosolids Hyperion Treatment Plant (Phase IV) 01-2003 Read

Class A Biosolids Hyperion Treatment Plant (Phase V) 12-2002 Read

Class A Biosolids Terminal Island Treatment Plant-Startup Process and Protocols 06-1999 Read

Class A Biosolids Terminal Island Treatment Plant Phase I, II, and III 08-2002 Read

Class A Biosolids Terminal Island Treatment Plant-Report I 07-2000 Read

Class A Biosolids TITP-Startup process and protocols for Alternative1, 40 CFR 503, 07-2001 Read


EPA Certification-Approval for class A biosolids Read

H2S and VOC Removal at Headworks Hyperion Treatment Plant Report I 12-2000 Read

H2S and VOC Removal at Headworks Hyperion Treatment Plant Report II 07-2001 Read

Online Monitoring for Process Control, Los Angeles Glendale Reclamation Plant Read

Offgas Analysis for Wastewater Aeration Basins Test Protocols Read

Online BOD Measurements test results (TITP) Read

Online Monitoring for Process Control, Los Angeles Glendale Water Reclamation Plant, Interim Report I, 04-2001 Read

Presentation Biological Control of Odor and VOCs WTP 02-24-2003 Read

Recent Particle and Turbidity Results at Hyperion 05-03-1999 Read

Tillman Teriary Filter Optimization Protocols-Particle Counter vs. Turbidimeter Read

Ultraviolet Disinfection Feasibility Studies Read

Virus Removal by Advanced Membrane Filtration for Wastewater Reclamation Read

Wastewater Capital Improvement Program Progress Report Read

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