Ph.D. Thesis: Civil and Environmental Eng. (Hydrology and Hydraulics) Thesis: A new method of hind-casting and its application to better predicting extreme events in civil eng: rainfall, runoff, winds and waves, USC Publication, 85
MS Thesis: Applied Mathematics, Advance studies and analyses of extreme geophysical events, USC Publication, 84
Stochastic Processes, with the late world-renowned mathematician and physicist, Professor Mark Kac, Macmillan Publishing Co, 88.
Publications: Refereed
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, M, Tchobanoglous, G, Miller, D, Wright, J, Vossoughi, M (1999). “Environmental Engineering: Energy Value of Replacing Waste Disposal with Resource Recovery.“ Science, July 30, 1999, Vol. 285, pp. 706-711. Read it.
Wastewater Solids Processes
Iranpour, R (2006). “Retrospective and perspectives of thermophilic anaerobic digestion: Part I” WEF Water Env Res, 78 (2), 99.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ (2006). “Retrospective and perspectives of thermophilic anaerobic digestion: Part II” WEF Water Env Res, 78 (3), 219-220.
Iranpour, R (2005). “A new role for autotrophic methanogens” WEF Water Env Res., 77 (2), 115-116.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, et al. Full-scale continuous process for thermophilic anaerobic digestion at Hyperion Treatment Plant. (under preparation)
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ (2007). “Evaluation of thermophilic anaerobic digestion processes for full-scale Class A biosolids disinfection at Hyperion treatment plant” Biotechnology And Bioengineering, 97 (1), 19-39.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, Fan, S, Abkian, V, Minamide T, Kearney RJ, Haug, RT (2006). “Full-scale Class A biosolids production by two-stage continuous-batch thermophilic anaerobic digestion at the Hyperion treatment plant, Los Angeles, California“ WEF Water Env Res, 78 (11), 2244-2252.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ (2006). “Recurrence of Fecal Coliforms and Salmonella Species in Biosolids Following Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion” WEF Water Env Res, 78 (9), 1005-1012.
Alatriste-Mondragón, F, Samar, P, Cox, HHJ, Ahring, B. K, Iranpour, R (2006). “Anaerobic codigestion of municipal, farm, and industrial organic wastes-a survey of recent literature“ WEF Water Env. Res, 78 (6), 607-636.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, Oh, S, Fan, S, Kearney, RJ, Abkian, V, Haug, RT (2006). “Thermophilic-Anaerobic Digestion to Produce Class A Biosolids: Initial Full-Scale Studies at Hyperion Treatment Plant” WEF Water Env Res, 78 (2), 170-180.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, Fan, S, Abkian, V, Kearney, RJ, Haug, RT (2005). “Short-term and long-term effects of increasing temperatures on the stability and the production of volatile sulfur compounds in full-scale thermophilic anaerobic digesters” Biotechnology And Bioengineering, 91(2), 199-212.
Iranpour, R, Palacios, R, Cox, HHJ, Abkian V (2005). “Solving fecal coliform growth/reactivation in biosolids during full-scale post-digestion processes” IWA Water Science & Technology, Vol 52, No. 1-2, 283–288.
Iranpour, R, Alatriste-Mondragon, F, Cox, HHJ, Haug, RT(2005). “Effects of transient temperature increases on odor production from thermophilic anaerobic digestion” IWA Water Science & Technology, Vol 52, No. 1-2, 229-335.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, Kearney, RJ, Clark, JH, Pincince, AB, Daigger, GT(2004). “Regulations for biosolids land application in U.S. and European Union“ Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Iranpour, R, Alatriste-Mondragon, F, Cox, HHJ, Kearney, RJ (2004). “Hyperion plant biosolids land application and effect on groundwater quality” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Alatriste-Mondragon, F, Iranpour, R, Ahring, BK (2003). “Toxicity of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on the anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge” IWA Water Research, 37, 1260-1269.
Gavala, HN, Alatriste-Mondragon, F, Iranpour, R, Ahring, BK (2003). “Biodegradation of phthalate esters during the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of sludge“ Chemosphere, 52 (4), 673-682.
Iranpour, R, Oh, S, Cox, H, Shao, Y.J, Moghaddam, O, Kearney, RJ, Deshusses, M, Stenstrom, M, Ahring, B (2002). “Changing mesophilic wastewater sludge digestion into thermophilic operation at the Terminal Island treatment plant” WEF Water Enn Res, 74 (5), 494-507.
Iranpour, R, Ahring, B, Mladenovska, Z, Westermann, P (2002). “State of the art and future perspectives of thermophilic anaerobic digestion“ IWA Water Science & Technology, 45 (10), 293-298.
Iranpour, R, Moghaddam, O, Stenstrom, M, Miller, D, Yaghmaei, S (2000). “Of: Preventing growth of pathogens in pasteurized digester solids” WEF Water Env Res, 72 (2), 251-252.
Iranpour, R, Moghaddam, O, Kharaghani, S, Garnas, G, Tahrishi, M (1998). “Of: Gasification of char from wastewater solids pyrolysis” WEF Water Env Res, 70 (7), 1330-1331.
Wastewater Secondary Processes
Rosso, D, Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, MK (2005). Fifteen Years of Offgas Transfer Efficiency Measurements on Fine-Pore Aerators: Key Role of Sludge Age and Normalized Air Flux. WEF Water Env Res, 77(3), 266-273.
Chweng-Jeng, T, Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, MK (2002). Modeling and control of oxygen transfer in the high purity oxygen activated sludge process. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 129 (5), 402-411.
Iranpour, R, Shao, YJ, Ahring, BK, Stenstrom, MK (2002). Case study of aeration performance under changing process conditions. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 128 (6), 562-569.
Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, MK (2001). Relationship between oxygen transfer rate and airflow for fine-pore aeration under process conditions. WEF Water Env Res, 73 (3), 266-275.
Iranpour, R, Magallanes, A, Zermeno, M, Varsh, V, Abrishamchi, A, Stenstrom, M (2000). Assessment of aeration basin performance efficiency: sampling methods and tank coverage. IWA Water Res, 34 (12), 3137-3152.
Iranpour, R, Magallanes, A, Zermeno, M, Moghaddam, O, Wilson, J, Stenstrom, MK (2000). Assessment of aeration system performance efficiency: frequent sampling for damage detection. WEF Water Env Res, 72 (3), 363-376.
Iranpour, R, Miller D, Kharaghani, S, Stenstrom, M (2000). Of: Effect of anaerobic and anoxic selectors on oxygen transfer in wastewater. WEF Water Env Res, 72 (4), 507-509.
Iranpour, R, Shao, YJ, Meyer, R, Oh, S (2000). Of: Fuzzy-supported estimator for HPO-AS process. ASCE J. of Env Eng, 126 (3), 294-295.
Iranpour, R, Magallanes, A, Stenstrom, M, Lee, JJ, Torkian, A (1999). Of: Oxygen transfer efficiency of fine-pore diffused aeration systems: energy intensity as a unifying evaluation parameter. WEF Water Env Res, 71 (4), 506-509.
Iranpour, R, Zermeno, M, Rad, H, Oh, S, Gumar, D (1998). Of: Concurrent biological nitrification/denitrification in wastewater treatment. WEF Water Env Res, 71 (6), 1261-1262.
Iranpour, R, Alvarez, S (1997). Of: Polymer addition as a solution to Nocardia foaming problems. WEF Water Env Res, 69 (5), 1057-1059.
Wastewater Tertiary processes
Iranpour, R, Garnas, G, Moghaddam, O, Taebi, A (1999). Hydraulic effects on ultraviolet disinfection: modification of reactor design. WEF Water Env Res, 71 (1), 114-118.
Iranpour, R (1998). Virus removal efficiency by membrane filtration for wastewater reclamation. WEF Water Env Res, 70 (6), 1198-1204.
Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, M, Vosooghi, D (2000). Of: Tertiary treatment using membrane filtration and UV disinfection for water reclamation. WEF Water Env Res, 72 (5), 633-634.
Iranpour, R, Miller, D, Tchobanoglous, G, Tajrishi, M (1999). Of: Virus adsorption in a complex system: an experimentally designed study. IWA Water Res, 33 (9), 2194-2195.
Iranpour, R, Safavi, HR, Aiyeola, T (1998). Of: Water reclamation at Lake Arrowhead, California: an overview. WEF Water Env Res, 70 (5), 1099-1100.
Iranpour, R, Zermeno, M, Miller, D, Taebi, A (1998). Of: Numerical modeling of UV intensity: application to collimated-beam reactors and continous-flow systems. IWA Water Res, 32 (7), 2240-2242.
Iranpour, R, Magallanes, A (1997). Of: UV disinfection of secondary effluent: prediction, performance, and design. WEF Water Env Res, 69 (1), 123-124.
Iranpour, R, Straub, B (1997). Of: UV pilot testing: intensity distribution and hydrodynamics. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 123 (5), 521-522.
Wastewater Process Control
Iranpour, R, Zermeno, M (2008). Online BOD monitoring (bioreactor) for process control: full-scale studies at LAG wastewater reclamation plant. WEF Water Env Res, 80(4), 298-307.
Iranpour, R, Straub, B, Jugo, T (1997). Real time BOD monitoring for wastewater process control. ASCE Journal Env Eng, 123 (2), 154-159.
Iranpour, R, Moghaddam, O, Bina, B, Abkian, V, Vossoughi, M (1999). Of: “Response characteristics of a dead-cell BOD sensor”. IWA Water Res, 33, 595-596.
Iranpour, R, Shao, Y, Magallanes, A, Flaig, K (1997). Of: Gas Chromatography-Based Headspace Biochemical Oxygen demand test. WEF Water Env Res, 69 (6), 1178-1180.
Wastewater Gas Emission Processes
Iranpour, R, Samar, P, Cox, HHJ, Schroeder, ED, Deshusses, MA (2005). Literature review of air pollution control biofilters and biotrickling filters for odor and volatile organic compound removal. Environmental Progress, Vol. 24, No. 3, 254-267.
Converse, BM, Schroeder, ED, Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ., Deshusses, MA (2003). Odor and VOC removal from wastewater treatment plant headworks ventilation air using a biofilter. WEF Water Env Res, 75(5), 444-454.
Cox, HHJ, Deshusses, MA, Converse, BM, Schroeder, ED, Iranpour, R (2002). Odor and volatile odor compound treatment by biotrickling filters: pilot scale studies at Hyperion Treatment Plant. WEF Water Env Res, 74 (6), 557-563.
Iranpour, R, Ludwig, K (1997). Of: VOCs in fixed film process: part I – pilot studies. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 123 (8), 818.
Iranpour, R (1997). Of: VOCs in fixed film process: part II – model studies. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 123 (7), 731.
Iranpour et al. PAH-degrading microbes for bioremediation from contaminated soil at a tar refinery (under prepation)
Advanced Methods for Data Analysis
Iranpour, R, Alatriste-Mondragon, F, Diaz-Perez, SV, Cox HHJ (2003). Of: The role of molecular methods in evaluating biological treatment processes. WEF Water Env Res, 75 (3), 283-284.
Iranpour, R, Miller, D, Abrishamchi, A (1998). Of: Evaluation of uncertainty in a site-specific risk assessment. ASCE Journal of Env Eng, 124 (5), 480.
Iranpour, R, Proskurowski, W, Miller, D, Saadatpour, M (1998). Of: Neural network predictions of average score per taxon and number of families at unpolluted river sites in Great Britain. IWA Water Res, 32 (11), 3500-3501.
Planning, Design and Construction
Iranpour, R, Stenstrom, MK, Lee, JJ, Miller, D, Tajrishi, M, Abrishamchi, A, Schroeder, ED, Tchobanoglous, G (2000). Management analysis of wastewater capital improvement programs in large cities. IWA Water Res, 34 (5), 1714-1726.
Iranpour, R, and Tung, D (1989). Methodology for optimal design of a parking lot. ASCE Journal of Transportation Eng, 115 (2), 139-160.
Publications: Magazine Articles
Iranpour, R, Garnas, G, Miller, D, Stenstrom, M, Ahring, B (2000). Management tools: data solutions for program management. IWA Water 21, 10/2000, 52-54.
Iranpour, R, Wilson, J, Birk, B, Shaw, YJ, Stenstrom, M, Miller, D, Vosoogi, M (2000). The future of environmental engineering, Part III. Research concepts and conclusions. IWA Water 21, 1-2/2000, 39-43.
Iranpour, R, Garnas, G, Varsh, V, Flaig, K, Tchobanoglous, G (1999). The future of environmental engineering, Part II. Technical pressures and constraints. IWA Water 21, 11-12/1999, 18-21.
Iranpour, R, Moghaddam, O, Kharaghani, S, Langley, J, Lee, JJ, Schroeder, E (1999). The future of environmental engineering, Part I. Resources and economics. IWA Water 21, 9-10/1999, 12-14.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ (2005). The 2004 CWEA conference closing session views the future: Panel tackles question of improving the partnership between academia and the profession. CWEA Water Professional, 41(1), 10-17.
Iranpour, R, Zermeno, M, Oh, S, Patel, D, Magallanes, A, Stenstrom, M (2000). Optimizing aeration transfer in activated sludge systems. CWEA Bulletin (Fall 2000).
Iranpour, R, Flaig, K, Mansell Jr, C, Jugo, T, Straub, B, Garnas, G, Miller, D, Magallanes, A (1998). Issues on biosensor-based BOD instruments for on-line application. CWEA Bulletin (Winter issue), 42-44.
Iranpour, R, Cox, HHJ, Lee, H, Starr, MA, Fan, S, Mundine, JE, Kearney, RJ (2005). Easy does it. WEF Water Environment & Technology, 17 (5), 58-61.
Ludwig, K, Iranpour, R, Jugo, T, Vander Hook, D, and Ehrmann, L (1994). It has a plan: LA’s response to emergencies. WEF Operations Forum, 11 (3), 20-23.
Ludwig, K, Iranpour, R, Garnas, G, and Straub, B (1993). The mechanics of posture: leveraged backout, WEF Operations Forum, 10 (12), 26, and WEF Safety/Health, 2 (3), 93.
Iranpour, R, Moghaddam, O, Garnas, G, Oh, S, Vosooghi, D, Zermeno, M, Mayer, R, Patel, D, Karimi, Z (2000). Bureau Applied Research, City of LA Sanitation Newsletters, Sani-Times, Winter 2000.
Iranpour, R (2000). Environmental journalists hear from the experts about stormwater pollution. City of LA Sanitation Newsletters, Sani-Times, Winter 2000.
Iranpour, R, Dombrower, M, Cuny, J (1990). See me, hear me, work with me. City of LA Eng, Newsletter, 7/1990.
Iranpour et al. (1991). A crier among us, City of LA Engineering, Newsletter, 8/1991.
Publications: Conferences (selected)
Fan S, Cox HHJ, Iranpour R (2006) New developments in air pollution control at Hyperion Treatment Plant. Proceedings IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition; Sep 10-14, Bejing, China; International Water Association, London, UK.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Oh S, Fan S (2006) Batch processes to produce Class A biosolids from AD effluent. Proceedings IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition; Sep 10-14, Bejing, China; Inter. Water Asso, London, UK.
Cox HHJ, Fan S, Iranpour R (2005) Production of volatile sulfur compounds during thermophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater sludge. Proceedings Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition 2005; Jun 21 – 24, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Oh S, Starr MA, Fan S, Kearney RJ, Mundine JE (2005) Protocols and plans for Class A certification of thermophilic anaerobic digestion by demonstrating equivalency to processes to further reduce pathogens. Proceedings 2005 WEF/AWWA/KY-TN WEA Residuals and Biosolids Specialty Conference; Apr 17-20, Nashville, Tennessee; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Oh S, Cox HHJ, Fan S, Wojslaw J, Abkian V, Haug RT (2005) Thermophilic anaerobic digestion under time temperature treatment produces Class A biosolids at Terminal Island Treatment Plant after design modifications of post-digestion train. Proceedings 2005 WEF/AWWA/KY-TN WEA Residuals and Biosolids Specialty Conference; Apr 17 – 20, Nashville, Tennessee; Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Oh S, Starr MA, Fan S, Minamide T, Mundine JE (2005) Processes to produce disinfected biosolids at Hyperion Treatment Plant. Proceedings Disinfection 2005; Feb 6 – 9, Mesa, Arizona; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Lee H, Beller J, Starr MA, Fan S, Mundine JE, Kearney RJ, Haug RT (2004) Odor and performance changes of thermophilic anaerobic digesters during periods of temperature increases in pilot and full-scale operations. Proceedings of the 77th Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference. Oct 2-6, New Orleans, Louisiana; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Cox HHJ, Iranpour R, Oh S, Alatriste-Mondragon F, Alloh E, Hagekhalil A, Kearney RJ (2004) Evaluation of the mobility of pollutants, nutrients and pathogens from biosolids to groundwater after land application. Proceedings of the 77th Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference; Oct 2-6, New Orleans, Louisiana; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Fan S, Abkian V, Kearney RJ (2004) Solving fecal coliform growth/reactivation in biosolids during full-scale post-digestion processes. Proceedings 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion; Aug 29 – Sep 2, Montreal, Canada; International Water Association: London, UK.
Iranpour R, Alatriste-Mondragon F, Cox HHJ, Hernandez G, Fan S, Haug RT, Kearney RT (2004) Transient effects of rapid temperature increase in thermophilic anaerobic digestion: biochemical stability and production of volatile sulfur compounds. Proceedings WEF/WEAU Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference & Exhibition 2004; Feb 22–25, Salt Lake City, Utah; Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Hernandez G, Redd K, Fan S, Abkian V, Mundine JE, Haug RT, Kearney RJ (2003) Production of EQ biosolids at Hyperion Treatment Plant: Problems and solutions for reactivation/growth of fecal coliforms. Proceedings Water Environment Federation 76th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference; Oct 11-15, Los Angeles, California; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Cox HHJ, Kharaghani S, Hagekhalil A, Kearney RJ, Clark JH, Pincince AB, Daigger GT (2003) Local, national and international regulations on biosolids land application. Proceedings Water Environment Federation 76th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference; Oct 11-15, Los Angeles, California; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Cox HHJ, Iranpour R, Schroeder ED, Deshusses MA (2003) Biological odor control strategies at wastewater treatment plants. Proceedings WEF/AWWA/CWEA Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference; Feb 19 – 22, Baltimore, Maryland; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Workshop “Using respirometers for design and operation of biological wastewater treatment plants”. Chair: James C. Young (University of Arkansas); Vice Chair: Robert Cowan (RMS Environmental). 76th Annual WEFTEC, Los Angeles, California, October 11-15,2003.
Iranpour R, Oh S, Cox HHJ, Samar P, Taylor D, Mohamed F, Hagekhalil A, Kearney RJ (2002) Effects of dewatering on bacteria inactivation: Centrifuge simulation and field tests at the Hyperion Treatment Plant. Proceedings Water Environment Federation 75th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference; Sep 28 –Oct 2, Chicago, Illinois; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Deshusses MA, Cox HHJ, Schroeder ED (2002) Practical experiences with biological treatment of odor and VOCs at POTWs in USA. Proceedings WEF Odors and Toxic Air Emissions 2002 Specialty Conference; Apr 28 – May 1, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Water Environment Federation: Alexandria, Virginia.
Iranpour R, Samar P, Clark JH, Converse BM, Schroeder ED, Cox HHJ, Deshusses M.A. (2001) Biological treatment of odor and VOCs in biofilters and biotrickling filters: survey of field experiences. Proceedings Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association; Jun 24 – 28, Orlando, Florida; Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Paper 726.
Zermeno, M., Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Montgomery, T., Weston, P., Williamson, M., Reeves, R., (2000). Activated sludge aeration system efficiency under different process conditions in wastewater treatment plants. 73th Annual WEFTEC, Anaheim, California, Oct. 2000.
O, S., Iranpour, R., Mayer, R., Gumaer, D., Shao, Y.J., Garnas, G., Varsh, V., Langley, J., Wilson, J. (2000). Particle counter and turbidimeter analysis of reclaimed secondary effluent. 73th Annual WEFTEC, Anaheim, California, Oct. 2000.
Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno, M., Mayer, R., Patel, D., Oh, S., Moghaddam, O., Garnas, G., Langley, J., Stenstrom, M. (1999). An OTE prototype to optimize maintenance and air consumption: Full scale analyses at City of LA wastewater treatment plants. 72nd Annual WEFTEC, New Orleans, Lousiana.
Iranpour, R., Magallanes, A., Zermeno, M., Patel, D., Garnas, G., Stenstrom, M. (1998). Assessment of aeration basin performance efficiency. 71st Annual WEFTEC, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 3-7, 1998.
Iranpour, R., Ludwig, K., Straub, B., Liu, A., Kharaghani, S., Palencia, P., Alvares, S., Langley, J. (1998). Fate of MS2 phages through membrane systems for wastewater and water. 71st Annual WEFTEC, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 3-7, 1998.
Iranpour R., Magallanes, A., Jugo, T., Ludwig, K., Mansell, C., Flaig, K.(1998). Challenges in guaranteeing the virus disinfection performance of microfiltration/ ultraviolet irradiation systems in wastewater reclamation. WEF Disinfection, Baltimore, Maryland, April 19-22, 1998.